Decisions at 18: specialist conference taking place
- Emma Finamore
- Last updated 05 Apr 2016
The event is a cornerstone of professional development for careers practitioners and HE advisers.

A flagship conference is taking place this month, geared up to help those advising school and college leavers give effective, informed and up-to-date careers guidance.
The “Decisions at 18” conference, organised by the Careers Research & Advisory Centre (CRAC), will take place in Sheffield on 25 and 26 April. Uniquely, the conference is independent of any single institution or organisation and therefore attracts a high caliber of regular attendees.
The event is now into its sixth decade, the 2016 event is a collaboration between the CDI (the national professional body for careers advisers) and Inspiring Futures; it will bring together careers advisers, teachers and coordinators in schools and colleges (state and independent); HE advisers, heads of sixth form and subject heads; admissions and subject staff in higher education institutions; policy and decision makers in government agencies, employers and professional bodies.
It always proves useful to attendees: “I thought it was excellent and I have taken a number of useful things away from it,” said one attendee of a previous conference. “Really enjoyed the conference and found it very worthwhile,” said another.
“Decisions at 18” is widely recognised as a cornerstone of professional development for careers practitioners and HE advisers. There is no better opportunity for your message to be heard by those working directly with thousands of young people, or to demonstrate your commitment to improving careers education and supporting the UK skills agenda.
John Moorewood, Head of Emerging Talent Europe at HSBC will be speaking during Day One's plenary session, about employer's perspectives of graduates and school leavers. Other speakers include Mike Nicholson, Director of Recruitment and Admissions, University of Bath; Professor Shearer West, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, University of Sheffield; Helen Thorne MBE, Director of External Relations, UCAS; Professor Tristram Hooley, Professor of Career Education and Head of iCeGS, University of Derby.
With 23 workshops in place, the exhibition filling up and bookings still coming through, the event is set to be packed with variety, relevance and lots of practical information to take back to the workplace. It is also taking place in a convenient location for people from all parts of the UK – Holiday Inn Royal Victoria, Sheffield.
AllAboutSchoolLeavers’ readers can take advantage of 20% discounted tickets by clicking here.
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