Accounting Tech Level Available in September 2014
- 19 Feb 2014
Have you heard about Tech Levels yet? These qualifications will be available as a viable alternative to traditional A-levels as of September this year. There will be 142 of these vocational qualifications to choose from in all. Jane Scott Paul, Chief Executive of the AAT (Association of Accounting Technicians), told us more about the AAT Level 3 Diploma in Accounting – the only accounting qualification on offer under the Business, Administration and Law category.
Tech Levels have been specifically endorsed by employers to demonstrate their real life value. Some big businesses that have backed these qualifications include companies like Vauxhall, John Deere and Procter and Gamble.
Why take an accounting vocational qualification?
In our sector of business, we have always listened to employers when developing qualifications. We think it’s important that students gain the right skills to match the job market. We work hard to design qualifications that correlate to the accounting and finance profession so students can use the knowledge and skills they develop in the classroom in the workplace from day one.
The AAT Level 3 Diploma in Accounting has been recognised by the government because we can show clear examples of employability and progression.
The Horizon Community College in South Yorkshire have been offering the AAT Level 3 Diploma in Accounting for under a year but are already seeing growing trend of young people embarking on the course.
Hannah Coltart is training as a finance apprentice at VISA Europe: “Many young people don’t realise about the vocational options available to them, so it’s really important that there is more choice for people between the ages of 16-19. Studying as part of an apprenticeship has really suited me and I love being in the work environment, learning on the job.”
What can you do with the qualification?
Traditional university education will still suit many school leavers however I do believe that the Tech Levels will give people more choice.
In our sector, many students study the AAT Level 3 Diploma in Accounting and then progress to the next Level of the core accounting qualification, Level 4. Once they reach this level many then progress to the qualifications of the chartered accountancy bodies and to become chartered accountants.
AAT is sponsored by CIPFA, ICAEW, CIMA and ICAS and students are eligible exemptions from certain modules. As well as working in organisations ranging from small local enterprises to large multinationals, many of those who qualify with AAT will set up their own accounting businesses.
Individuals can look to the league tables and see a host of vocational qualifications which have gone through a rigorous selection process and have been chosen because employers have not only backed them but because they offer career progression for the individual. By giving people more choice, Tech Levels offer more routes to help them enter the labour market addressing youth unemployment and giving young people skills that employers want and need.
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