Young adults are more likely to go vegan than give up booze this New Year
- Emma Finamore
- 04 Jan 2019
A tenth aim to go without animal products in 2019.

With the beginning of the new year, many will be turning their thoughts to the year ahead and looking at what positive changes they can make. Data released has revealed the UK is now as likely to give up on meat as it is alcohol, as the trend of veganism continues to boom., the leading savings site, surveyed over 2,000 people across the country and discovered that 2,662,900 Brits will be aiming to avoid eating and using animal products as part of Veganuary in the New Year. Indeed, one in 20 (5%) will not consume meat or dairy products in January – making Veganuary as popular as those attempting Dry January (6%).
Indeed, young adults (16-24 year olds) are particularly invested in the veganism trend, with a tenth (8%) aiming to go vegan compared to 7% who are planning to go without alcohol.
A third of Brits (37%) say they undertake a New Year’s resolution to improve their health and well-being, while a quarter (27%) do it to challenge themselves. For some, however, it is an opportunity to prove they can achieve something they have previously failed to do (15%).
Young adults (16-24 year olds) are particularly invested in the veganism trend, with a tenth (8%) aiming to go vegan compared to 7% who are planning to go without alcohol.
Anita Naik, Lifestyle Editor at, said: “With Brits more environmentally aware than ever before, we’ve seen a real surge in people going vegan – and it’s interesting to see it overtake Dry January among young adults’ New Year’s resolutions. Meanwhile, it’s great that we will be looking to compensate for overindulging in the Christmas festivities by exercising more and eating healthily come 2019.
However, the research has revealed a wave of uncertainty hitting the UK as a result of Brexit. Millennials will be particularly affected as financial insecurity will result in doubts over employment, as well as postponing huge decisions such as getting on the property ladder and popping the question. If you’re worried about your finances going into 2019, VoucherCodes have a series of tips to help trim your outgoings and keep to your budgets.”
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