School Leaver Awards 2018: Spotlight on Moore Stephens
- Becky Kells
- Last updated 04 Sep 2018
Entering the accounting and professional services sectors as a school leaver is becoming a popular choice for many young people, and certain firms are providing particularly outstanding opportunities. Moore Stephens was named the top school leaver employer for the accounting and professional services sectors in our 2018 School Leaver Awards. We caught up with Caitlin Mason, trainee auditor at Moore Stephens, to find out what makes the firm such a great place to work.
What are your thoughts on Moore Stephens winning?
Moore Stephens winning the award is a well-deserved reflection of the time I have had here so far. Both Moore Stephens and my training provider, First Intuition, have provided a programme which not only gets me through exams but also helps me develop skills needed for a career in business and finance.
What do you enjoy most about your current role? What’s been your most memorable experience?
I enjoy being able to work with a variety of different clients in different sectors, and being able to learn from these experiences. For one job, I had to visit the client site on my own for a day. While this was a challenge, I was well-prepared and it was ultimately an enriching experience.
What’s been the most challenging thing about your current role?
During exam times, you have to work during the day and then revise in the evening. The exams are tough so you must be able to juggle work and study whilst maintaining a work-life balance. However, this is only usually for a couple of weeks at a time as exams are spread out through the year.
What advice would you give other accounting and financial services apprentices?
Don’t be surprised with the level of work you are given quite early on. You may visit client sites from a couple of months in, with a senior of course. It may seem daunting at first but it is a learning experience and you’re fully supported by your seniors.
Where do you see your career progressing from here? What are your future plans?
I hope to complete the full ACA qualification and become a chartered accountant. Once you are qualified, the world is your oyster, and I hope to work abroad for some time.
Don’t be surprised with the level of work you are given quite early on. You may visit client sites from a couple of months in, with a senior of course. It may seem daunting at first but it is a learning experience and you’re fully supported by your seniors.
Tell us something interesting about yourself?
I love to travel and in the past year I have visited Berlin, Amsterdam, Barcelona, Rome, and Taipei.
Outside of your apprenticeship, what are your main interests or hobbies?
My main hobbies are sport, socialising and travelling; I even play netball for the Moore Stephens team!
What are the benefits of coming into this particular profession as an apprentice?
There are many benefits to joining as an apprentice. The programme is not just about passing exams, but becoming a good professional. Also, if you went to university, you would still have to do the same exams that you do in the apprenticeship. Therefore, a school leaver will qualify younger and with years more work experience than their peers.
If, like Caitlin, you’d like to work in accounting and professional services straight from school, check out Moore Stephens’ profile and website.
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