Apprenticeships & School Leaver Jobs
Use the job search tool below to find the apprenticeships and school leaver jobs that are right for you.
If you have an idea of the sector you’re interested in then you can search by industry; we have apprenticeships and school leaver opportunities in everything from engineering and construction to banking, finance and accountancy.
You can also search by opportunity, finding the right level of apprenticeship for your current qualification stage – whether that’s Intermediate Apprenticeships, Advanced Apprenticeships, Higher Apprenticeships or Degree Apprenticeships – as well as school leaver programmes and sponsored degrees.
We also have information on gap year opportunities if you want to take some time out before moving on to the next stage of your training or education, whether that’s on a structured travelling plan, a job abroad, or a volunteering programme.
Our search tool also allows you to filter apprenticeships and school leaver opportunities by employer and location; giving you apprentice vacancies and programmes based in all major UK towns and cities.
With our featured apprenticeships and school leaver jobs you can see at a glance the vital statistics for each opportunity: employer, salary, location, what qualifications are on offer and the prerequisites for applying. You can also apply for roles and visit company websites at the click of a button.
Just below the job search filters, you’ll also find direct links to brand new apprenticeship opportunities and all live jobs, so you can keep completely up-to-date with the latest school leaver options.