Insight Events
Here you can find the latest school leaver insight events offered by top UK employers up and down the country, looking to meet school leavers just like you and invite them along to experience the business first-hand.
School leaver insight events do exactly what they say on the tin: they provide insight for school and college leavers into potential companies, helping them to narrow down the search for an apprenticeship, school leaver programme or sponsored degree.
School leaver insight events usually take place over one or two days, giving attendees enough time to get a proper sense of what the company is like, and whether they can see themselves working there. This helps them decided if they should apply to any programmes run by the employer.
Usually taking place at company headquarters, school leaver insight events involve a range of activities and exercises, from meeting the team – spending time with senior staff members, as well as trainees – to team simulations, business games, and even debating opinions on topical industry news.
As well as the employer in general, school leaver insight events allow attendees to learn more about the specific programmes offered there, and even pick up application tips.
School leaver insight events might even involve exercises through which attendees can find out more about themselves: if they have the makings of a commercial thinker, for example, or experience how it feels to be part of a client project and how they fit naturally into a team.
So, now that you know how useful school leaver insight events can be, explore the opportunities taking place with these top employers, and get yourself out there.