Energy & Utilities Apprenticeships
School leaver jobs in energy and utilities take a variety of forms. You could do an Intermediate Apprenticeship in gas engineering or highways maintenance, for example, or an Advanced Apprenticeship in energy maintenance or smart metering. There are Higher Apprenticeships available in asset creation, or in roles such as technical trainee; and even Degree Apprenticeships in power engineering. Some companies also offer school leaver programmes in power transmission engineering or in role such as crude oil analyst.
On this jobs page you’ll find all the apprenticeships, school leaver programmes and sponsored degrees in energy and utilities that are on offer from the employers we work with. You can see at a glance what employer is offering each role, along with the salary, location and the prerequisites for applying, and there are quick links to company websites and application pages when you find something that looks right for you and your requirements. You can also see at a glance what sort of school leaver qualifications the employer is offering; for example whether it is a professional qualification or an academic qualification.
If you already know what sort of energy and utilities opportunity you are looking for – an Advanced Apprenticeship maybe, or a school leaver programme offering a professional qualification – or which employer you would like to work with, or where you would like to be, then use our handy search filters. We’re confident that with us, you will find your ideal school leaver job energy and utilities.